Friday, August 21, 2009

Stem Cell Transplant, Day+3

Denise is pretty sick as described below, and it could get worse before it gets better. The chemo had a much harsher effect than we expected, especially to her gastrointestinal tract. I won't go into the anatomical details; suffice it to say that she's in a lot of pain and discomfort. Still, the doctors say that what she's experiencing is "normal" albeit on the rougher side of normal. They will continue to treat the symptoms, but don't expect significant improvement until her counts start rebounding, which could be another week or more. Not sure I'll be able to update her blog as regularly but will try to every few days.


  1. Hang in there! Love and miss you guys tons. Praying lots.--Sharon

  2. Praying for you, Denise!! - Carrie Brinkmann

  3. You are in our constant thoughts and prayers. God Bless. Love Mom

  4. Denise--

    As you and yours walk through this painful and challenging process, may you sense that God is with you and that you are on the hearts and in the prayers of your Christian friends.

    In Christ,

    --Charlie & Pam
