I don't feel very courageous. I'm burrowing my head in the sand and ignoring the reality of my situation. It's easy to do. I've been reading
Traveling Mercies by Anne Lamott and I like her quote "...courage is hope that has said its prayers." The thing is I don't feel much like praying. I feel like ignoring my entire situation, and if I ignore my situation, then I don't need to pray.
Jim and I have started reading
Celtic Daily Prayer: Prayers and Readings from the Northumbria Community in the mornings and when we go to bed at night. He reads and I listen, closing my eyes to fully concentrate on the words. In the Daily Office: Morning Prayer, there is a canticle that has started to penetrate my resistance.
Christ, as a lightillumine and guide me.Christ, as a shieldovershadow me.Christ under me;Christ over me;Christ beside meon my left and my right.This day be within and without me...For now, all I can do is listen to the prayers in the Daily Office.