Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Inner Child and the Chemo Nurse

While the nurse was explaining the side effects of my next chemo drug, I suddenly grabbed my throat, groaned and pitched over on the bed. The nurse was terrified. My sister, who is an RN, lunged across the bed to catch me. Everyone was in a panic. Then, I start to laugh. This whole cancer thing has brought out my inner child. :-)


  1. I've been wondering how this week has started for you!!! Denise, is your treatment at University Hospital in Denver?? Just curious.

    Carrie Brinkmann

  2. We think and pray for you and your family daily.

  3. 'Bout dadgum time your inner child came out! ;) Whatever it takes, right? We're pullin' for you here in Untucky.

    XO Adamo & Family

  4. Nice way to give your sisters a heart attack. love you lots. Wouldn't have missed it for the world.
    Julie Ann

  5. "Traveling Mercies" is quite a trip, isn't it? She evokes your laughter on one page and your tears on the next. It's practically a physical workout!

  6. Denise- It's so good to hear that you are the one keeping things "light" at the hospital. We are thinking about you and Jim and continue to pray for you both. The photo below of you working at your computer epitomizes you! You are such a hard worker- don't forget to rest up! -Nina
