Monday, January 19, 2009

Foam In Foam Out

Ten days after Day 1 of the chemotherapy, my white cells will bottom out and I'll be susceptible to all kinds of infections. One of the ways that the hospital controls the germs that live on the sweaty palms of my visitors is for the visitors to "foam in, foam out". It's a procedure where the visitors use an antibiotic foam to wash their hands before and after they visit my room. The procedure keeps me safe from their little germies and them safe from any little germies that I might have.


  1. When we were in the hospital with my mom we used the wall mounted hand-sanitizers so much I got confused when we went home. My hand would instinctually reach for the wall and when I couldn’t find it, I had to think whether was I looking for the light switch or something else. It was always something else. :)

  2. I remember the process very well! Had to do it for about a month when Summer was in the NICU and 2 weeks when Gabe was in : )

    Wish I was able to be there to foam in, and foam out once to see you.


  3. I'm enjoying keeping up with you here -- I admire your brevity while giving us a good snapshot--I would tend to ramble on & on. Your 'inner child' prank sounds hilarious---why do you think this is being brought out? Very happy you are tolerating things so well Denise--what a wonderful answer to prayer, praise God! Miss you!
    Love & Blessings on you both--Grace
